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Cursos disponibles

Profesor: Rectorado Profesor: Rosanna BarriosProfesor: Maria de los Angeles Bonilla AlbánProfesor: Zenia CamejoProfesor: Sofia CastelloProfesor: Victoria ChavezProfesor: Jonathan ChicaizaProfesor: Dario CriolloProfesor: David CuevaProfesor: Elisa DelgadoProfesor: Lina DiazProfesor: Wendy FariasProfesor: Andrea GuerreroProfesor: Administrador Jezreel AcademyProfesor: David JohnsonProfesor: Niurka LedeaProfesor: Daniela LlumiquingaProfesor: Gisela MartinezProfesor: Ramon MeleanProfesor: Maria MolinaProfesor: Jorge MontoyaProfesor: Andres NiveloProfesor: Maria OladokeProfesor: Jaime PeraltaProfesor: Cristina PilataxiProfesor: Vanessa PinedoProfesor: Daniel PozoProfesor: Tania PuenteProfesor: Raul RamirezProfesor: Solange ReveloProfesor: Ligia RivasProfesor: Liliana RivasProfesor: Karlist RiveroProfesor: Carlos SalazarProfesor: Dora SanchezProfesor: José SánchezProfesor: Mariana SegoviaProfesor: Soporte SistemasProfesor: Fernando TabangoProfesor: Jefferson TasiguanoProfesor: Monica ToroProfesor: Diana UchuariProfesor: Elizabeth UrquizoProfesor: Jorge VacaProfesor: Daniela Valencia Pazmiño

Capacitacion 1



What Is A Nickname For Raquel



Profesor: Victoria Chavez


Hello dear students, welcome to this school year 2020-2021.

This year we are going to learn interesting things about Biology, like the classification of living beings and how they obtain energy in nature. We will study the structure of the cell and how they do processes like photosynthesis and cellular respiration that are the base of life of every living being on Earth.
We will also understand how the ecosystems work and how to lower the human impact that is producing alterations in the environment like pollution and global warming. We will understand the conections in nature and we will propose conservation measures to protect the environment that surrounds us.

We are going to do this by using lots of graphics, videos, games, virtual labs, cross words puzzles etc.

I am sure we are going to learn in an interesting way and achieve all our goals together.

Pastor: Carlos Salazar


Este curso dará las bases teóricas y prácticas sobre la formación del carácter. El carácter está en todo lo que hacemos y define lo que somos.
Al finalizar el curso, los estudiantes tendrán mayor entendimiento de como sus pensamientos, emociones y acciones están interconectadas y sabrán como gestionarlas mas eficientemente.
Durante cada clase seremos desafiados a participar activamente, a aprender aun en medio de las equivocaciones y respetar el desempeño personal de cada uno.
Las clases serán muy dinámicas y requiere que siempre demos nuestra mayor la apertura y atención.
Tomaremos pista, para emprender este viaje!

Profesor: Maria Oladoke


In this class, we will be using the material done on the basis of current curricular adjustment and with the guidelines of the Ministry of Education that aims to develop the great goals that the ministerial curriculum sets out which is to enhance the entrepreneurial capacities so that student becomes a dynamic person of society as a whole and, therefore, can participate in the generation of jobs.

Students will learn the legal obligations an entrepreneur has with the state and Consequently, the teaching-learning of this subject is based on the methodology of LEARNING BY DOING since it is proven that the student has greater assimilation of knowledge and skills when actively participating.

I welcome you all to class and your active participation is the most relevant😊

Miss: Niurka Ledea


La materia de matemática para primero de bachillerato está estructurada en 6 unidades que se corresponden con contenidos de la matemática elemental. Al terminar el nivel los estudiantes serán capaces de proponer soluciones creativas a situaciones concretas de la vida cotidina. Para el logro de nuestros objeticos utilizaremos la metodología basada en la experiencia, reflexión, conceptualización y reflexión.

Miss Karlist: Karlist Rivero


En este curso se brindarán, a los estudiantes de primero de bachillerato, las herramientas básicas para el manejo de la química. Al finalizar el curso, los estudiantes serán capaces de explicar los modelos atómicos, importancia de la tabla periódica, enlaces químicos y nomenclatura de los compuestos químicos. Para lograr los objetivos se utilizará la metodología fundamentada en la experiencia, reflexión, conceptualización y aplicación, contaremos con el uso de simuladores, laboratorios virtuales y ejercicios prácticos en clases con apoyo de la docente.

TEACHER: Gisela MartinezTEACHER: Maria Oladoke


Great Job, you made it Here!!!
In this course we will be seeing how the B2 first Cambridge EFL exam its about. We will be studying some strategies to pass as well as to make it an incredible experience while you learn and practice..
Welcome.. to your ENGLISH COURSE

Profesor: Maria Oladoke


In this class, we will be reinforcing the use of English by practicing skills such as listening, speaking, writing, and reading that will facilitate the understanding and usage of the Language.

At the end of the school year, the FCE Cambridge International Exam is obligatory for all students which is why thorough training is done so that students will pass the exam without difficulties, and once passed, an international certificate of B2 is awarded to all students that did well. This certificate is important because it helps in securing a brighter future for our students both at the university level as well as for their job hunt.

The class is worthwhile and promises to be very interesting.

You are most welcome to the best class with the experience of a lifetime!


Profesor: Maria Oladoke


In this class, we will be reinforcing the use of English by practicing skills such as listening, speaking, writing, and reading that will facilitate the understanding and usage of the Language.

At the end of the school year, the FCE Cambridge International Exam is obligatory for all students which is why thorough training is done so that students will pass the exam without difficulties, and once passed, an international certificate of B2 is awarded to all students that did well. This certificate is important because it helps in securing a brighter future for our students both at the university level as well as for their job hunt.

The class is worthwhile and promises to be very interesting.

You are most welcome to the best class with the experience of a lifetime!